After being made aware of the legal requirements regarding ESOS and knowing that we had to comply with the EU directive we formed a relationship with IEBS who assisted us and built a solid relationship with us from the very start.
Having 11 offices and over 700 employees we very much fell into the category of having to have such audits carried out. After an initial meeting with IEBS they were very clear on the regulation and what we would have to do to comply.
With us knowing very little about the requirement IEBS were very professional, helpful and when it came to assisting they successfully guided us through to the stage where we became compliant as a firm.
In carrying out the planning and auditing stage, IEBS have helped us identify in the region on £350,000 per annum in energy savings through deploying differing types of technology and systems. The next stage is to assess and implement these projects with IEBS who will manage our energy construction program in line with business benefits and high impact.
We will also be considering the funding options that IEBS can offer, which we hope will aid implementation of the projects in advance of annual budget allocation. Enabling us to recognise the savings and reduction quicker.